Monday 3 June 2013

Eurocrime! The Italian Cop and Gangster Films That Ruled the '70s

I caught this at weekend at A Day Of Crime in Manchester. Through various communities and being a fan of Eurocrime movies i had very high expectations of this and they were exceeded.

The documentary catches the essence of what Eurocrime was all about, Tough Cops, Horrible Villains and everything in between, Car Chases, Cammora involvement it is all here.

All the great actors/directors who were present in the genre in it's heyday who are still alive give their input into why the movies were so special, what they were like to make, the death defining stunts, everything a fan of Eurocrime would want and more.

The greatest thing about this documentary though is that it does what all good documentaries do- it keeps you interested even if you have no interest in the subject matter- and it makes you laugh, it takes serious subject matter surrounding the genre and at points makes you cry with laughter due to the tales being told.

It is brilliantly paced and does not outstay it's welcome. I could have watched another hour or two of this.

For a first time director Mike Malloy really shows he has a talent for pacing, for asking the right questions, for garnering the best reactions from those interviewed who were involved in the whole Eurocrime scene.

I cannot recommend this highly enough if you are interested in Eurocrime. If you are not though you will become interested by the end and will be on the hunt for old VHS copies of these films before you know it.

This is a copy of my imdb review where i gave it an 8/10 - this was purely because for self funded movies IMDB throw out any reviews over 8 apparently.

This is a pure bonafide documentary classic. 10/10

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Going to take a break from this for a while

But for now i leave you this image

The ggtmc are covering this on their next show. I am really excited and i imagine a certain Aaron Duenas over at the Death Rattle is aswell.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

ESPN 30 FOR 30'S

I have no interest in Basketball, i find it a bit of a sissy sport, but these ESPN 30 for 30 documentaries really do draw you in and make you interested , a lot of them are on Instant at the moment 'Benji' and 'Unguarded' being my two picks of the bunch so far, i would highly reccomend everyone checks these out sports fan or not.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Stone Roses Made Of Stone Trailer

Watch "THE STONE ROSES: MADE OF STONE Official UK Trailer" on YouTube

Directed by Shane Meadows this chronicles the Stone Roses getting back together .

I am a fan of Meadows and a fan of the Roses but there was a reason I never went to see any if these reunion concerts and it's the same reason I will not watch this - I am against a bunch of 40 + guys getting back together purely for money , and kid yourself all you like this was the case . A new record has not sufficed as promised just more gigs raking the money in.

I didn't feel the need to be part of this so called resurrection so I could show my social media friends I was there when it happened or to be in that moment . It's a shame because The Stone Roses debut could not be more relevant today.

Leave looking stupid and tarnishing your legacy to The Rolling Stones guys and let the memories of yesteryear mean something rather than this self obsessed purile faux reunion .

Spring Breakers

Watched this at weekend with the great James Lawrence and a couple of his friends . I still do not know what to make of it but enjoyed it a lot . James Franco provided the greatest 1 minute comedy scene of the last 30 years .


Tuesday 9 April 2013

Trailer Park Boys Series 7 & Pump Up The Volume

I did not get round to watching much this weekend, other than Pump Up The Volume and Trailer Park Boys series 7 which i hadn't seen and popped up on Instant .

Pump Up The Volume held up fairly well although the whole idea of a bunch of kids hanging onto every word a depressed disc jockey utters is far stretched, but it still entertained me enough and was worth the revisit. I'd give it a solid 7/10

Trailer Park Boys Series 7 is my favourite so far, i now only need to see the movies to have seen everything . I caught their live show here in Manchester last year and i have never laughed as much in my life. They are playing again on May 4th in Manchester and i would go but i have the prior engagement that day of getting married.

I'm hoping to fit in a couple of movies tonight to review on here tommorow but that depends on whether i am in the mood to watch the Champions League Quarter Final Second Legs that are on TV tonight.

Thats all for now.


Friday 5 April 2013

Carrie Remake Trailer

I know it is only a 3 minute clip but this looks like a scene for scene remake. Unless i hear otherwise off trusted sources i do not think i will be bothering with this especially since i have a huge amount of love for the original.