Watch "THE STONE ROSES: MADE OF STONE Official UK Trailer" on YouTube
Directed by Shane Meadows this chronicles the Stone Roses getting back together .
I am a fan of Meadows and a fan of the Roses but there was a reason I never went to see any if these reunion concerts and it's the same reason I will not watch this - I am against a bunch of 40 + guys getting back together purely for money , and kid yourself all you like this was the case . A new record has not sufficed as promised just more gigs raking the money in.
I didn't feel the need to be part of this so called resurrection so I could show my social media friends I was there when it happened or to be in that moment . It's a shame because The Stone Roses debut could not be more relevant today.
Leave looking stupid and tarnishing your legacy to The Rolling Stones guys and let the memories of yesteryear mean something rather than this self obsessed purile faux reunion .