Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Stone Roses Made Of Stone Trailer

Watch "THE STONE ROSES: MADE OF STONE Official UK Trailer" on YouTube

Directed by Shane Meadows this chronicles the Stone Roses getting back together .

I am a fan of Meadows and a fan of the Roses but there was a reason I never went to see any if these reunion concerts and it's the same reason I will not watch this - I am against a bunch of 40 + guys getting back together purely for money , and kid yourself all you like this was the case . A new record has not sufficed as promised just more gigs raking the money in.

I didn't feel the need to be part of this so called resurrection so I could show my social media friends I was there when it happened or to be in that moment . It's a shame because The Stone Roses debut could not be more relevant today.

Leave looking stupid and tarnishing your legacy to The Rolling Stones guys and let the memories of yesteryear mean something rather than this self obsessed purile faux reunion .

Spring Breakers

Watched this at weekend with the great James Lawrence and a couple of his friends . I still do not know what to make of it but enjoyed it a lot . James Franco provided the greatest 1 minute comedy scene of the last 30 years .


Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Trailer Park Boys Series 7 & Pump Up The Volume

I did not get round to watching much this weekend, other than Pump Up The Volume and Trailer Park Boys series 7 which i hadn't seen and popped up on Instant .

Pump Up The Volume held up fairly well although the whole idea of a bunch of kids hanging onto every word a depressed disc jockey utters is far stretched, but it still entertained me enough and was worth the revisit. I'd give it a solid 7/10

Trailer Park Boys Series 7 is my favourite so far, i now only need to see the movies to have seen everything . I caught their live show here in Manchester last year and i have never laughed as much in my life. They are playing again on May 4th in Manchester and i would go but i have the prior engagement that day of getting married.

I'm hoping to fit in a couple of movies tonight to review on here tommorow but that depends on whether i am in the mood to watch the Champions League Quarter Final Second Legs that are on TV tonight.

Thats all for now.


Friday, 5 April 2013

Carrie Remake Trailer

I know it is only a 3 minute clip but this looks like a scene for scene remake. Unless i hear otherwise off trusted sources i do not think i will be bothering with this especially since i have a huge amount of love for the original.

The Death Rattle: 13 Questions: Perturbator- My favourite blog on the tinterwebs.

The Death Rattle: 13 Questions: Perturbator: A friend of mine recently turned me on to French musician Perturbator after hearing him on the HOTLINE MIAMI soundtrack and I've been a...

Re Blogging this because my main man over at The Death Rattle Aaron Duenas is one of the most honest, genuine, and talented people i know, i have been reading his blog for a couple of years when time allows and it always has great content. Check out his podcast The Mill Creeps aswell where he is co host with another great guy Chris Davies Rowan. I cannot speak highly enough about either of these guys.

Aaron also does a lot of work for The GGTMC and is just an all round great guy.

So get diggin his shit now Putos.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

RIP Roger Ebert

You will be sorely missed. A man after my own heart with his love of cinema across a broad spectrum of genres , i give you two thumbs up sir .

Only God Forgives Red Band Trailer

Now this has me excited

Room 237

If you are going to make a documentary about theories on one of the greatest movies of all time then at least make it sound or feel proffessional, make it sound like these theories have some worth. The problem with this documentary is that there are to many theories and not one is given chance to be properly expanded on or debated. I have heard better arguements back in High School, stoned listening to Pink Floyd fans decipher The Wall.

The theories in this documentary are not given time to breath, i am no proffesional movie critic, but this is one huge clusterfuck. I feel 2 or 3 theories being expanded on and investigated and involving the viewer in doing so would of made this a better watch.

Instead we get a bunch of people saying 'here is my theory, i could prove it , i could go on all day about it'..... but then don't. We switch to the next person saying exactly the same thing.

I found some of them interesting and would of loved to have them delved into a little more- even though to be honest i found them all a little far fetched. The mind sees what it want's to see at times, if i went back and watched The Shining i am sure i could somehow create a link between the movie itself and the failings of the Jamaican bobsleigh team.

Must try harder


The .5 being for editing.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

I love this song some decent modern hip-hop for a change

Watch "Dope D.O.D. - What happened (Official Video)" on YouTube

My brother just sent me this and I love it .

My dad has still not watched these I got him for Christmas

I've never seen either ... needs rectifying .

Things that made me happy and mad today...

Made Me Mad

Elevator Etiquette

If you are going to insist on standing next to the buttons then a) let others near them to get to their floor and b) press the freeekin close button once people have got out onto whatever floor they need i'm not in any particular rush to get to work but elevator's smell of Coldplay fans.

Made Me Happy

Life in general and the great cinemasochist's podcast Justin Oberholtzer's Film Rave.

My first blog post... about the last thing i watched on Insant...

Bully 2011

A heartbreaking tale about people either suffering with being bullied currently and people- mainly parents effected by the suicide of their children who were bullied.

The director of this let the story be told and had a very hands off approach which is what was needed here. I sat back in amazement at how useless the school headteachers and adminsitrators were. It had me worried sick becuase my child has not long since started school and kids are becoming more ruthless in the forms of bullying that they use, it's not like when i was i was a kid where names like 'orange pubes' or 'four eyes' were as extreme as it got but outright assualt in some cases.

I will not rant to much about this because i could ramble on forever about how it can be stopped, measures that need to be taken etc etc, what i will say is that it is a disturbing tale that we should all take note of, it should be shown in schools to highlight the problem. Excellently crafted.
